Settings Pages

Creating settings pages can be an annoying task in WordPress. With Cuisine it’s actually pretty similair to creating Metaboxes.

Settings Page builders in Cuisine can take an array of field-objects which are validated and saved automatically.

The SettingsPage class is available through Cuisine’s Wrapper System, so you can start using it by adding

use Cuisine\Wrappers\SettingsPage

to the top of your php-document.

Creating a Settings Page

Creating a new settings page with a few custom fields is fairly straightforward. Let’s look at an example:

$args = array(
	'parent'		=> 'my-post-type',
	'menu_title'	=> 'My Settingspage'

$fields = array(

	Field::text( 'name', 'Label' ),
	Field::text( 'name-2', 'Label' )


	'My Settingspage', 

)->set( $fields );

Let’s break that down:

SettingsPage::make() is the function we use to create our settings page. set() actually registers it with WordPress. It takes an array of Field Objects or can alternatively take a call to a static php function or an array of setting-page tabs (see the next examples).

The parameters passed down to the make-function are, in order of appearence:

  • title
    The title of the settings page

  • slug
    Under which option-name do the settings need to be saved

Using tabs

Cuisine comes with a handy feature to break your settings-page up in tabs. Each tab can take Field Objects just like the settings-page class. You won’t have to specify anything else, Cuisine’s setting-page system just knows it’s dealing with tab-objects instead of fields.

For this you need to load in the SettingsTab wrapper, available here: use Cuisine\Wrappers\SettingsTab

Let’s look at an example:

//define the fields in seperate arrays:
$firstFields = [ 
    Field::text( 'test', __( 'Testing field' ) ), 
    Field::media( 'media-lib', __( 'Media Library' ) )

$secondField = [ 
    Field::checkbox( 'check', __( 'Checkbox field' ) )
    Field::editor( 'editor_field', __( 'Type text here' ) )

//create the tabs, passing along the fields:
$tabs = [
    SettingsTab::make( __( 'The label for my tab' ), $firstFields ),
    SettingsTab::make( __( 'The label for my second tab' ), $secondFields )

//create the settings page:
    'My Settingspage', 
)->set( $tabs ); //use the $tabs array instead of an array of fields.

Creating custom Settings Page layouts

Instead of passing an array of Field Objects you can also just call a static function:

	'My Settingspage', 
)->set( '\\MyNameSpace\\MyClass::settings' );

namespace MyNameSpace;
class MyClass{

	//here's our custom HTML:
	public static function settings(){

		echo 'Hi from the settingspage!';



Fine-grained control

Using a third argument in the make() function we can add a little bit of direction to our settings page. It assumes the best location in the WordPress admin menu of our settings page is as a child to the general Settings tab. Though you might want to switch positions, for instance.

Let’s take a look at a few extra options:

$args = array(
	'parent'		=> 'tools.php',
	'menu_title'	=> 'My Settingspage',
	'capability'	=> 'manage_options'

	'My Settingspage', 

)->set( $fields );

Here’s a breakdown of the $args array:

  • parent The position in the WordPress admin menu. Can handle the wanted admin-url of the parent or a post-type. defaults to general-options.php. In the example above we’ve placed it underneath the “Extra” menu-item.

  • menu_title The title to display in the menu. Defaults to the title passed as the first argument of make()

  • capability What the current user needs as capability to actually see, edit and save the options. See the WordPress codex for more information.