Taxonomy Metaboxes

Metaboxes for terms and taxonomies have been recently introduced to WordPress. In Cuisine, they work exactly the same as regular metaboxes. A Metabox object can take an array of field-objects which are validated and saved automatically.

The TermMetabox class is available through Cuisine’s Wrapper System, so you can start using it by adding

use Cuisine\Wrappers\TaxonomyMetabox

to the top of your php-document.

Creating a TermMetabox

Creating a new metabox with a few custom fields is fairy straightforward. Let’s look at an example:

$fields = array(
	Field::text( 'website', 'Customer website' ),
	Field::text( 'address', 'Customer address' )

TaxonomyMetabox::make( 'Customer Detauils', 'customer' )->set( $fields );

Let’s break that down:

TaxonomyMetabox::make() is the function we use to prop up our Term-Metabox. In this case we’re creating some custom fields for a customer taxonomy. set() actually registers the metabox with WordPress. It takes an array of Field Objects or can alternatively take a call to a static php function (see the next example).

The parameters passed down to the make-function are, in order of appearence:

  • label The label at the top of our Term-Metabox.

  • taxonomy The Taxonomy where our metabox will appear. This can also be an array of taxonomies.

Creating custom TaxonomyMetabox layouts

Instead of passing an array of Field Objects you can also just call a static function:

TaxonomyMetabox::make( 'Customer Details', 'customer' )->set( '\\MyNameSpace\\MyClass::metabox' );

namespace MyNameSpace;

class MyClass{

	//here's our custom HTML:
	public static function metabox(){

		echo 'Hi from the metabox!';

