
Routing in Cuisine can have two meanings:

  • Routing a post type to a certain URL
  • Routing a post type to a certain template

On this page we’ll be looking into routing to a URL. If you’re looking to route your post type to a certain template-file check out the page on templating.

The Route-class is available through Cuisine’s Wrapper System, so you can start using it by adding

use Cuisine\Wrappers\Route

to the top of your php-document.

Routing to a URL

Routing post types to urls is done by using the WordPress Rewrite system. Which is, again, needlessly complex. Cuisine really simplifies this. Routing always works with two url-routes for a post type. One for the archive or overview and one for the single post type page.

So, following our example of the project-post type, we’ll create a route for our post type project. We’ll want the overview page to be named /our-work and an single project can route to /project/project-name.

Route::url( 'project', 'our-work', 'project' );

That’s it. Here’s the breakdown for the example above:

The parameters passed down to the make-function are, in order of appearence:

  • post type slug The slug of the post-type we’re tying this taxonomy to. This can be an array of post-type slugs as well.

  • overview slug The url we want to use for our overview or archive page.

  • singular slug The prefix to the url we want to use for our singular pages.