Creating Taxonomies

Like post types, taxonomies are extremely important to WordPress development. It’s so sad that registering a simple taxonomy needs more that one line of code. So, just like Post Types in Cuisine, Taxonomies have been made a lot simpeler.

The Taxonomy-class is available through Cuisine’s Wrapper System, so you can start using it by adding

use Cuisine\Wrappers\Taxonomy

to the top of your php-document.


Say we have a post type called project and we want to add a Client taxonomy to it, so we can easily sort our portfolio.. Well, then we just use this one line of code:

Taxonomy::make( 'client', 'project', 'Clients', 'Client' )->set();

Let’s dive into this a little more:

Taxonomy::make() is the function we use to prop up our taxonomy. set() actually registers it with WordPress.

The parameters passed down to the make-function are, in order of appearence:

  • slug The slug represents both the ID and what will be used in urls for this taxonomy.

  • post type slug The slug of the post-type we’re tying this taxonomy to. This can be an array of post-type slugs as well.

  • plural label The plural label for this taxonomy

  • singular label The singular label for this taxonomy

Fine-grained control

If you need to pass aditional arguments for this taxonomy, you can do so in the set() function:

$args = array(
	'hierarchical'          => false,
	'labels'                => $labels,
	'show_ui'               => true,
	'show_admin_column'     => true,
	'query_var'             => true

Taxonomy::make( 'client', 'project', 'Clients', 'Client' )->set( $args );